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Learn Chinese in our Mandarin Chinese classes at the Chinese Language Academy of Los Angeles


"With China’s expanding influence in politics, economy and culture, and with the Chinese population's rapidly growing demand in overseas investment, tourism and foreign products consumption, the importance of learning the Chinese language and culture is becoming increasingly clear. "

The Chinese Language Academy of Los Angeles is offering a free two hour CLA 16 Demonstration Session on Sunday March 9th.  The purpose of this session is to introduce the potential student to the instructor and the classroom environment for our upcoming CLA 16 program. 


After completion of this free 2 hour session, the student will:

• Learn about the general structure of Mandarin Chinese
• Learn about the Pronunciation System - Pinyin (the Chinese phonetic alphabet)
• Learn about the Writing System consisting of Hanzi (Chinese characters)
• Learn to write at least 10 basic Chinese characters
• Learn to speak over 10 very useful Chinese words and sentences
• Get a hands-on experience in typing Chinese on a regular keyboard

Registration is required and limited to classroom capacity.  Minimum age is 18 years old to attend this class. Attendees are strongly encouraged to bring a laptop/ipad/smartphone to the session.



Date:  Sunday March 9th 2014

Location:  Culver City Veteran's Complex (4117 Overland Ave)
Time:  4pm-6pm

Cost:  Free (no further obligation necessary)


To register, please visit the Eventbrite link by clicking:


The Chinese Language Academy is located in Los Angeles, the second biggest city in the U.S. with a large population of Chinese Americans and two major import/export ports in the Pacific Rim.  Our language and culture training programs support companies and government agencies to equip their employees with the skillset they need to grow the domestic economy, communicate with their Asian partners and increase their global competitiveness.  We also support individual professionals to learn Mandarin and grasp the opportunities with and within China.


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